Email Campaigns

Email Campaigns as an Essential Marketing Tool

Emails only work when they are genuine. We use your personal contacts, and we want your voice to come through to those clients you know and love. Clever Punch does all the work to create email campaigns in Mailchimp and then we get it approved by you, triple-checking that it’s inline with who your company is.

Email marketing for Realtors

Reaching Customers with a Personalized Approach

Initially, our clients are skeptical about email marketing. Yes, we are all victims of the endless barrage of emails each day, yet we find the emails we send consistently create leads for our clients. Maybe it’s because we don’t send out just any old email but have a purpose in reaching out to your personal contacts with quality content that catches people’s interest.

Marketing tricks for Architecture Firms

“Clever Punch wrote and designed a targeted email campaign and updated our website within a few days. Their marketing services and pricing were straightforward, with clear goals. It’s nice to work with someone who cares about results and a return on investment as much as the business owner.”

Clay Hunt, Owner, Pacific Pools

One of the best aspects of email marketing is the amount of traffic it brings to your business’s website. Every campaign that goes out is linked back to your website multiple times. That’s our end goal: to get potential clients onto your site, clicking around, and learning more about the services you offer and what you are about. 

Driving More Traffic to Your Website

Marketing strategy for Roofers

Email Campaigns as a Way
to Increase Brand Awareness

Sharing Project Updates & Valuable Insights

Clients want to pull back the curtain and know more about the real people that produce such great results. We focus our newsletters on real content that your company wants to share. This could look like showcasing a new project or a relevant blog post on your website. 

More Visuals, Less Text

No one goes through their emails ready or expecting to read a full article. That’s why we keep our newsletters short and sweet and ultimately direct them to the longer content on your site. 

Mobile Optimized Content Means Better Performance

We check emails everywhere we go, and so do your clients. Our job is to make sure your emails look stunning on any platform – desktop, mobile phone, iPad, you name it! 

Never Spamming so Content Stays Relevant & Helpful

We aim to send emails one or two times a month. For the industries we help, that’s really all we need to keep your connections in the loop and updated on what’s going on in your company. 

Emails that Are Actually Seen

The proof really is in the punch. Check out a project below.

RCS-CM | General Contractor

Rincon Rd. | Interior Designer

Marketing Strategy for Financial

JR Bookkeeping | Finance

Ready to See if it Works?