General Contractors
Tenpenny Construction
Residential Builder
Ojai, California
“Such a pleasure to work with you. With your patience, your insight, and your amazing vision, all of us here at Tenpenny Construction have so enjoyed working with you. Thank you just doesn’t seem like it’s enough, but thank you!”
Stan Tenpenny | Owner & Founder, Tenpenny Construction
1. Brand Guidelines
Services include:
Tenpenny is a thorough, hardworking, and thoughtful construction team that specializes in custom homes and boutique commercial spaces. Based in Ojai and established in 1983, Tenpenny Construction recognizes that its clients have the merit to build whatever their dream is.
After more than 30 years in business, Tenpenny Construction wanted to update its logo and branding to something more modern, which would allow it to compete confidently for boutique, custom homes as well as large commercial projects. The process included:
Creating a mood board based on what we knew about the client's desired look and feel
Selecting a distinct font family to coordinate with the client’s branding
Choosing a color palette for the website and other marketing materials

Want to see more?
This is just the foundation — explore more of our craftsmanship below.