Get in Front of the Right People, at the Right Time

Leveraging Lead Generation as a Way to Market Your Business

The ultimate goal of lead generation for any company is to move potential clients along the sales funnel to a point where they are interested enough to reach out and talk. Lead gen is different from sales – it’s about the magic that happens between making a connection and making a sale.

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The Broken Way of Managing Lead Generation

The typical approach to lead gen involves casting a wide net with minimal human touch. You can either send a team member into the community to foster relationships or use automated online tools. While this method might result in impressive numbers, it doesn’t lead to results or nurture connections in a human way.

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“Bottom line—Clever Punch is great to have behind us to help communicate to our clients, partners, and internal staff the important happenings and milestones here at McCarthy Companies.”

Sarah McCarthy-Garcia, Partner, McCarthy Companies

The Clever Punch Way to Lead Generation

We take the human approach and pursue leads with personalized direct messages, LinkedIn messages, emails, and even handwritten cards. While we still can cast a wide net, our priority is to fish intentionally, fostering trust along the way and keeping your business top of mind with your circle of connections.

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The Weiser Agency | Clever Punch Client

Executing Lead Generation Authentically

Nurture the Leads you Already Have

We take your existing relationships and the potential that they hold and move you closer to a conversation of working together. The best part is this happens while you are working, sleeping, vacationing, or running the business with light touches that look, sound, and feel like you.

Keeping An Old-School Approach

We believe in the power of a good ol’ handwritten card for direct mail. What we don’t believe in is spamming your leads and overwhelming them with communication.

Converting Leads Into Educated Clients

Beyond making sure they know your name, business development is an opportunity to educate your leads about who you are and what you do. When they decide to work with you, your sales pitch is already done!

Catch Your Client’s Attention Long Before the First Meeting

If your potential client pulled up an old brochure, received a postcard from you in the mail, or saw your banner at an event, what impression would they get? We provide business owners with straightforward, tangible marketing support. If you do great work but are looking to grow and need help putting the other pieces in place, please reach out. 

Want to start a lead gen strategy for your business?