Why Our Email Marketing Works


We are all inundated with emails. Most go straight to the trash, others get a quick glance, and then there are some you pour over and go back to again and again. Heck, you might even forward it to a friend! At Clever Punch, we are in the business of getting your message in front of the eyes and ears that matter. Our goal with every client is to work our professional magic to make your emails stand out with beautiful, intriguing content that your clients are excited to read.

Fact: We know good email marketing can be powerful. We find the emails that we send consistently create the best leads for our clients. Maybe it’s because we don’t send out just any old email but have a purpose in reaching out to your contacts with quality content that catches people’s interest. Here are three ways we make our emails top-notch.


Email marketing should feel like an extension of your story and create a connection. Clients are curious about what people are up to; this can look like directing readers to new projects, sharing updates about your services, or an interesting article on your website. We also know that when emails contain valuable insights, they’re more likely to be forwarded to potential referrals. 


No one goes through their emails ready to read a lengthy article. We like to be short and sweet with text and use beautiful visuals to draw clients in. The emails we create are not entire articles; they are meant to hook your readers into an article you’ve already written and as a way to direct people to your website. We keep it simple.


The more content you have that links to your website, the higher you will rank in search engine results (a little thing called SEO!). Along with this, the amount of traffic your website gets can also help you naturally rank higher - and that’s just one of the benefits of our emails! We also link your other social accounts through email, driving traffic to multiple places.

You Might Still Have Some Questions…

Who should I include on my email list? Friends, Family, Referrals, Past Clients… the list goes on! You never know where your next lead may come from. A new project is a high-ticket item worth thousands (even millions!) in sales - don’t miss out on the opportunity to remind as many people as possible who you are and what you offer.

How often should I be sending emails? Match the frequency of your customer's needs to the frequency of your emails. Businesses that sell food or clothing can justify daily emails; for most of our clients (interior designers, general contractors, architects), we recommend once a month, just enough to stay connected and top of mind without wearing out your audience.

What should I include in my emails? We create emails that are enjoyable to look at and contain content that is interesting and easy to read. We don’t barrage people with overt advertising but instead share updates and tell stories. The goal of marketing is to stay top of mind, build trust, and attract your ideal client to work with you.

Do they really work? Sure do! Emails are a great way to remind people you are there or to move them along the pipeline. A lead may be sitting on a proposal, and it's a thoughtful email that pushes them to say, "This is who I want to work with!" Our email software shows how many people opened emails and even how many times they opened your email. We have seen open rates for one contact as high as 50-100 times. Now, that is an interested lead! (or a crazy ex-boyfriend...)

Should I buy an email list? Survey Says? No! We take an honest, straightforward, human approach to marketing and have never bought or used purchased lists on our client’s behalf. Leads for your services will most likely come from your circle, not a stranger.

Clever Punch has loads of marketing ideas. We offer a free marketing plan for businesses that are a good fit for us. To learn more about our offerings, click the button below!


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