How to Use Your Marketing to Attract New Hires

After startling unemployment rates, career changes, and a now-booming economy, people are coming back to work and have more opportunities to choose from. With how saturated online job sites can be, a single listing likely won’t find you the right candidate. The biggest challenge our clients are facing right now is finding a way to attract and hire talented people. What role does marketing play in this challenge? We have trusted insight that the way you strategically market your business will aid in finding the best of the best when it comes to new hires. Here are three tips to consider if you are looking to hire.

Would You Work for You?

Rather than plastering your social media pages with “NOW HIRING” posts, consider how the overall presence of your brand will read to potential employees. Do the perks shine? Share them! Paint a picture of what it’s like to work with you. Talented folks want to know they’ll be taken care of by their employer. So when writing a listing, be sure to highlight the unique benefits that your company can offer. More than that, pay attention to your online presence. From personal profiles to company websites, your potential candidate can learn a lot about the culture of your company with a quick online search. Adjust your digital presence to appeal to future employees as well as customers.

Acquiring and Hiring

With the job market evolving and growing, candidates are more discerning about where they work. If you don’t look good online, chances are people aren’t applying. Research shows that looking at a company’s website and social media accounts are huge factors in whether or not someone applies for a position. This can only mean one thing: how you market your business affects who you’re hiring, too. Ask yourself: is our brand’s digital presence in pristine condition for potential new hires?

The Proof is in the Punch

Many of our clients credit filling top job openings to our services. For example, our client Gerard Callahan, owner of G&G Builders in San Francisco, recently filled a Project Manager role with a highly talented applicant named Tom. Why did Tom apply? “Turns out he looked at our website and social media, and thought we were a credible and organized company, and trusted us,” says Gerard. New hires agree that a company’s online presence is part of what propels them to apply. If you need an extra nudge to attract spectacular talent, let us know! Clever Punch can optimize the hiring process through dedicated career pages on your website, professional photography of your team, email newsletters, and targeted marketing tactics.


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